Hello, my name is Jasper William Cartwright and I am a Game Master, Producer, and Creative Consultant.
One-third of Three Black Halflings I've been lucky enough to interview and GM for some of the biggest names in the TTRPG community, including Matthew Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan and Aabria Iyengar. I've GM'd at D&D In A Castle, featured on Dungeons and Dragons official podcast Dragon Talk, and appeared live on stage for NADDPOD.
My GM Style is all about world! I love creating a sandbox in which where you go and how you affect the world is completely down to you. I try to be as fluid as possible and the rule of cool always wins. In my games, you might start out feeling like little fish in a vast ocean but soon enough you will be slaying dragons, influencing governments and saving the world!